National Assembly Cross Party Group on Disability #SaveWILG

National Assembly Cross Party Group on Disability #SaveWILG

National Assembly Cross Party Group on Disability

11am – 1pm, Friday 16 October 2015

Maesgwyn Hall, Mold Road, Wrexham, LL11 2AF


Mark Isherwood AM (items 1–3) & Aled Roberts AM (items 4–8)


11am  1. Welcome, introductions, apologies

11.05am 2. Minutes of last meeting (13 May 2015) and matters arising

11.15am 3. Implementation of the Social Services & Well-being (Wales) Act

11.15am i. Margaret Provis & Anthony Jordon, the Welsh Government’s view

11.25am ii. Mark Jones, Head of Service Physical, Sensory and Neurological Impairment and Mental Health – Adult Social Care, Wrexham County Borough Council, a local authority perspective

11.35am iii. Vin West, Parent Carer, Arfon Access Group – a perspective from the Citizens Panel

11.45am iv. Nathan Lee Davies, a service recipient’s perspective

12.05pm Q & A / discussion

12.20pm 4. Welsh Government’s Strategic Equality Objectives consultation – Isabel Mortimer, Fairer Futures Division

12.35pm 5. Welsh Independent Living Grant – Paul Swann, Disability Wales & Sheila Meadows OBE, Parent Carer

12.45pm 6. Disability Research on Independent Living and Learning (DRILL) – Rhian Davies, Disability Wales

12.50am 7. Annual Report

12.55am 8. AOB

13:00pm 9. Future meeting dates & themes, Meeting ends

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