Stop – rewind and come again! by Glenn Anderson

Stop – rewind and come again! by Glenn Anderson

On September the 5th, I was traipsing around Birmingham City Centre searching for fibreglass owls. One I found was number 38: Stop – rewind and come again! by Glenn Anderson.

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Glenn Anderson is a Birmingham art legend, who sites ‘places, adventures, discovery, and the five+ sensory emotions’ as examples of the inspiration for his work.  He believes that these experiences are caught and manifest themselves in strange ways, and that the human ‘amplifier’ needs to do something with that energy in positive ways.  Glenn’s work features typography – both conventional and non-conventional – and he works in Biro, with aerosol, planks of weathered wood and rusted nails and much, much more.


Visit my Virgin Money Giving page and please give generously in aid of Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

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