The Big Hoot

The Big Hoot

The Big Hoot is a mass participation public art event comprising of 89 individually designed large fibreglass owl sculptures forming a trail across Birmingham for 10 weeks from 20 July until the end of September.

Corporate sponsors, Birmingham stakeholders, artists and community groups have come together to support The Big Hoot, transforming the streets, parks and public spaces into a fun, free art gallery.

More information can be found here:

I plan on visiting all 89 owl sculptures over the next few weeks. This is quite a challenge for myself as I am a 38-year-old, wheelchair bound bloke who suffers from Friedreich’s Ataxia – a progressive, genetic disease of the nervous system. Getting to the corner shops with a disability is hard enough let alone travelling to the  Second City in  search of fibreglass owls.

I’m excited to undertake this challenge for Birmingham Children’s Hospital as they deserve our support during these dark days of austerity they still manage to provide bright beacons of hope to patients and families.

I also aim to record my visits with a photo at each owl and post to Facebook and Twitter.


Visit my Virgin Money Giving page and please give generously in aid of Birmingham Children’s Hospital.


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